Our services include software development, mentoring, performance optimization, bespoke software and algorithm development. We focus on the fields of graphics, distributed systems, systems development, low level networking, compression, visualization and simulation.
Software Development
- Specialist Work
- Bespoke Software
- C/C++, .NET, R
Performance Optimization
- Low Level and Architectural
Algorithm Design
- Custom Compression Codecs
- Modelling and Simulation
- Developer Training
- Technical Leadership
Technical Analysis
- Is your project technically well grounded?
Burning Candle Software
ABN: 47 060 916 507
Perth, Western Australia
Email: info@burningcandle.io
Skype: conor.stokes
Github: github.com/Conorstokes
LinkedIn: au.linkedin.com/in/conor-stokes-a0554088
Blog: conorstokes.github.io